Excerpt from the Book WINNING THE MODERN WORLD FOR ISLAM A new start under the banner [...]
Excerpt from the Book WINNING THE MODERN WORLD FOR ISLAM A new start under the banner [...]
A new start under the banner of islam will need a new conception of power and a new political organization. New ambitions will need a new order of things.
But it is a question that is not to be asked publicly in an age deprived of sense and occupied with other problems that have more to do with “how” than “what for.” Curious about everything, open to the universe of space as well as the universe of molecules, meddlesome,
Self-discipline consists of patience, gentleness, long-winded perseverance, and enduring hardships. Such are “a people whom God loves and they love him – humble before the believers and proud before those who deny truth
Beautiful comportment is to be distinguished in both substance and appearance from the deceptive, empty trappings of materialist society. It is for the fresh water drawn from the springs of the Qurʾān to flow in our discourse, undiluted by the speculative language and expressions of new-fangled ideologies and philosophies. If we are not intent upon distinguishing ourselves in this manner
Īmān consists of conviction in the heart, testimony with the tongue, and actions of the body. Those who have īmān are only known by good deeds. God says: “Those who have faith and do righteous deeds, for them is every good and a beautiful place of return.”
The Believing Woman and Consumerist Society Among the most difficult obstacles that waylay the believing [...]
Two Clashes Ever since their emergence, the Muslim mind and body have clashed with the [...]
Since your lifetime is your capital, it is imperative to learn how to manage each of life’s tasks in turn. The point of life is not to do whatever you want, whenever you want; rather, the point is to learn how to do the right work at the right time...
God advised kindness and excellent treatment towards parents, especially in their old age when they are weak and in need of a tender hand, a sympathetic heart and beautiful treatment springing from fidelity and love.
“Fitrah is a Qur’anic word that denotes the psychological core of the human being. This [...]
Nothing is more extraordinary in this life than the mystery of our existence