Yassine Hicham
November 2, 2023
The Unyielding Resolve of Resistance
The Zionists, along with their allies and proxies, are reluctant to acknowledge the seismic shifts in the political landscape. Their persistent refusal to accept this geopolitical reality is ensconced in historical arrogance—a Zionist hubris that has accumulated through the experiences of Arab defeats, coupled with unwavering support from America, the West, and some Arab quarters.
The aggression against Gaza, ostensibly designed to assert military deterrence and curtail the resilience of the resistance forces, which adamantly resist engaging in the theatrics of political negotiations with the requisite haste and manner, has proven futile.
The Zionist campaign of psychological warfare, crafted in counterpoint, stands now disillusioned and ineffectual, dismantling the once-venerable myth of deterrence. The exodus of Zionist settlers is poised to escalate, as will the crescendo of dissent resounding through the Israeli streets. Undoubtedly, the internal political turmoil will exacerbate, particularly if the scope and intensity of the strikes expand, accompanied by a mounting toll of casualties and fatalities.
It is now an incontrovertible fact that every confrontation, no matter how brief and geographically constrained, erodes and undermines the internal front of the Zionist state. Remarkably, these episodes serve only to deepen the Palestinian people’s commitment to the path of resistance, fostering an unwavering faith in its efficacy. Notwithstanding the colossal toll borne by the martyrs, including the lives of innocent children, women, and civilians, coupled with the deliberate obliteration of vital infrastructure and homes—a bitter reality collectively endured by the Palestinian populace, spanning all factions. These adversities no longer fracture their unity or weaken their resolve. On the contrary, they have galvanized the people, preparing them for protracted battles and even greater sacrifices.
Conversely, we find the Zionist cohorts now wringing their hands and lamenting their choice in ushering this recent right-wing extremist government into power. How true are the words of the Almighty: “And do not weaken in pursuit of the enemy. If you should be suffering – so are they suffering as you are suffering, but you expect from God that which they expect not. And God is ever Knowing and Wise.” (Qur’an 4:104)
The valor exhibited by the resistance breathes life into the entire umma. It is the blood of martyrs alone that quenches the wellsprings of fortitude and pride, fortifying the umma’s confidence in its strength and capabilities, and reaffirming the immutable conviction that every unchallenged affront only emboldens the occupier, and every right not upheld by the force of fire becomes an opportunity for further entrenchment of the oppressor.
In a striking revelation to the umma, this valorous resistance lays bare the magnitude of betrayals from within, underscoring that the path of resistance stands as the sole and most compelling choice. This reality crystallizes given the Zionists’ assassination of all avenues for settlement and their mockery of peace endeavors, which still tantalize some appeasers and obstructionists. Simultaneously, it exposes the ostensibly humanitarian and democratic Western world, revealing its profound hypocrisy. Its moral compass falters and crumbles before the blood of Palestinian children, whose small bodies are torn asunder by Western missiles, financial backing, and political support. This vivid tableau severs any lingering hope in the western commitment, rendering reliance on their assistance and humanity a futile and despondent gamble.
The unity of the resistance has served as a remarkable testament to the collective spirit of action, despite the Zionist endeavor to sideline other factions on the fronts of media, politics, and military affairs, alleging that the current battle is solely against “Hamas” and its military wing, Al-Qassam Brigades. This message, at its core, conceals a deep-seated Zionist apprehension, a fear of the situation spiraling out of control. It’s an attempt to pacify their domestic audience. The Zionists, however, understand that decisive action can only come through a sweeping and resolute ground offensive, a feat previously demonstrated as beyond the Zionist capacity and readiness. Gratefully, the dynamics of power on the ground have evolved significantly, much to their chagrin.