Editorial Board
December 18, 2012
Today, Friday 29 of Muharram 1434 corresponding to 14 of December 2012, hundreds of thousands of the Justice and Spirituality School and Movement members and sympathizers along with the Moroccan people have come from all over the world to escort the Imam of Renewal Abdessalam Yassine –may God have mercy upon him- to his final resting place.

His noble body was buried in the Martyrs cemetery in Rabat in a radiant procession with the presence of many delegations of scholars and political personalities from within Morocco and abroad.

At the funeral, Ustād Muhammad ‘Abbādi, member of the Guidance Council, delivered an eloquent speech in which he called people to God, stressed that the Imam of Renewal belongs to the entire umma, and called members of the Justice and Spirituality School and Movement to maintain the heavy trust the Imam has left upon their shoulders.