Editorial Board
December 12, 2012
– Anas ibn Mālik (God be pleased with him) reported that God’s Messenger (God bless him and grant him peace) said to one of his Companions: “Did you get married?” The man said: “No, O Messenger of God! I don’t have the means to get married. The Messenger said: “Don’t you learn Chapter 112 [al-Ikhlās]?” The man said: “Yes, I do.” The Messenger said: “[Its merit equals] the third of the Qur’ān.” The Messenger said: “Don’t you learn Chapter 110 [an-Nasr]?” The man said: “Yes, I do.” The Messenger said: “[Its merit equals] the quarter of the Qur’ān.” The Messenger said: “Don’t you learn Chapter 109 [al-Kāfirūn]?” The man said: “Yes, I do.” The Messenger said: “[Its merit equals] the quarter of the Qur’ān.” The Messenger said: “Don’t you learn Chapter 99 [az-Zalzala]?” The man said: “Yes, I do.” The Messenger said: “[Its merit equals] the quarter of the Qur’ān. Do get married.” Hadith reported and authenticated by at-Tirmidhi.