
The Wound of Palestine

By |2023-06-12T11:26:05+01:00May 16th, 2022|Excerpts|

For centuries, Jews lived side by side with Muslims under the protective wing of the Caliphate of Spain. Jewish historians themselves recognize and demonstrate that the golden age of their people was situated geographically and historically in Muslim Spain. At a time when the race which, according to christian belief, betrayed and crucified Christ, was disgraced and persecuted as a deicide enemy in Europe, Jews in Muslim Spain enjoyed the status that islam guaranteed minorities, particularly the People of the Book, Jews and Christians.

List of Writings

By |2021-12-09T19:59:24+01:00January 9th, 2021|Writings|

The project of Imam Yassine [may God preserve him] has begun with the first two books entitled respectively: “Islam between the Appeal and the State” (1972) and “Tomorrow Islam!” (1973) which laid down the fundamentals and bases of “the School of The Prophetic Method [Madrasat as-Sulūk al-Minhāji]”, then the book of “The Prophetic Method [al-Minhāj an-Nabawi]” (1982) which comprises the great marks of the school presenting an integrated and complete educational, spiritual and political conception of the Islamic dynamism (that is why this book is considered the ideological framework of the Justice and Spirituality Movement). Other books have come to expound the details of this conception in various disciplines. For instance:

Poem 12

By |2021-12-05T15:48:04+01:00December 14th, 2013|Excerpts|

My meadow became moist — and my sight beamed with light, And away from me the dimness of distress and adversities was dispelled. And the greatness addressed me and my resolves settled Close to the sun and the luminous stars...

Letter to Sessions of Spiritual Counseling [an-Nasiha]

By |2022-05-16T15:55:58+01:00August 3rd, 2013|Letters|

To show our gratitude to God for the favor of guiding us to remember Him and assist each other in working righteousness, we must inform of the spiritual importance of such sessions, reconcile hearts and souls, endear such blessed gatherings to our brothers and sisters, accompany them to such congregations and urge them kindly to attend them...

Magnanimity [murua] And Noble Character

By |2021-12-09T20:01:02+01:00August 3rd, 2013|Letters|

Noble manners are the second pillar of the believer’s character [man and woman]. The prophet’s, God bless him and grant him peace, ḥadiths evince that though a man or a woman might have some piety in them, their moral flaws keep them from satisfying the requirements of the fitra preservation mission through childbirth and upbringing. ...

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