Renewed Islam

The Battle of Badr’s Lessons for the Youth

By |2023-05-02T12:08:52+01:00April 18th, 2022|Youth|

It is important for you, the youth, to learn about the Badr of Badr because it is the first major battle between truth and falsehood, as a result of which you are Muslim today and able to worship your Creator, God Almighty; otherwise, you would be misguided, lost, confused, hopeless, helpless, and worshipping anything, everything, or nothing! It is also important because of the many lessons you can learn from it to further guide you in your journey to God Almighty, especially in your early stages of life as a youth. Such lessons will incha’Allah be listed later.

The 10 Youth Challenges in Ramadan and their Solutions

By |2023-05-29T12:24:15+01:00April 14th, 2022|Youth|

The following is a list of 10 challenges that you might face as a youth during Ramadan. No matter how difficult such challenges sound to you, the first step in overcoming them is to believe with unshakable faith in your Lord the Omnipotent saying: “Yes, by God’s Power, I can overcome them all!” You will then start your Ramadan journey with positive thinking and energy to overcome any challenge, fight any temptation, and achieve any goal in Ramadan.

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