Islam: How the First Part of our Journey to God Begins
The emissary from heaven has come down to earth to teach us the three stages of the path to God: islam, iman and ihsan. The first lesson is...
The emissary from heaven has come down to earth to teach us the three stages of the path to God: islam, iman and ihsan. The first lesson is...
We prize the hereafter also and above all because it’s the meeting place with the Beloved and His messenger...
"The Day when there will not benefit [anyone] wealth or children, But only one who comes to God with a sound heart". The heart is the realm of īmān; it’s a fragile microcosm that needs constant tending and great expertise in handling...
Glad tidings are not just a nice escape from the daily grind. They can have deeper and much weightier implications. The Prophet -God bless him and grant him peace- during his last sickness once came out into the mosque, his noble head tightly bound in a cloth, and said: “O my Lord, Have I relayed [three times]. All that will be left of Prophethood is a glad tiding seen by a believer or for him.” Narrated in Sunan al-kubra by Nasa’i 4/382 and by Ibn Maja 2/1283. How important is this facet of our dīn for our blessed Prophet to include in his very last recommendations before joining His Creator.
Ihsan is why Islam as a religion exists. It is when the soul prevails over all and reconnects with its primordial nature. It entails a long and strenuous struggle-unless God wills otherwise and allows it to be...