Editorial Board
October 31, 2012
Welcome to the official website of Imam Abdessalam Yassine!
This website introduces the Leader of Renewal of Islam, Imam Abdessalam Yassine, and presents the Prophetic Method that he developed to realize such a renewal.
The Prophetic Method, which Imam Yassine derived directly from God’s final revelation and the teachings of His final Messenger Muhammad, is a practical way to guide you, as an individual, in your journey towards your Lord Most High, and guide the worldwide Muslim community, in its striving to regain its strength and ability to promote righteousness and establish justice for humanity.
Imam Abdessalam Yassine provides new answers to the hard questions that you might have about your existence, success, happiness, and wellbeing. He offers you proven practical solutions to the current problems and tough challenges that you might be going through.
Imam Abdessalam Yassine gives new hope and good news to every man and woman seeking the Truth and willing to embark on a journey towards the ultimate success in this life and the next.